Post-Quantum Software Research Center

The following instructions are for Debian/Ubuntu systems. Other modern Linux/BSD/UNIX systems should work with minor adjustments to the instructions. These instructions need the following packages:

Download, unpack, compile, test, install

In a root terminal, create an nttcompiler user:

adduser --disabled-password --gecos nttcompiler nttcompiler

Run a shell as that user:

su - nttcompiler
chmod 755 $HOME
umask 022

As that user, download and unpack the latest version of nttcompiler:

wget -m
wget -m$version.tar.gz
tar -xzf$version.tar.gz
cd nttcompiler-$version
ln -s $HOME link-build
ln -s $HOME link-install

Compile, test, and install:


The last line of a successful compile-test-install run is "benchmark finishing successfully". Exit the user shell:


That's it.


Currently the verification supports only the AVX2 code.

Start a new shell as the nttcompiler user. Install angr in a Python 3 virtual environment:

. /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 angr
pip install angr
pip install pyparsing

Run the verifyall script to verify each of the provided NTTs:

workon angr
env PATH=$HOME/command:$PATH verifyall

The verifyall script stops with an error message if it encounters any failures.


Compiler options

./do tries a list of compilers in compilers/c, keeping the fastest working implementation of each target. Before running ./do you can edit compilers/c to adjust compiler options or to try additional compilers.

Multi-ABI support

If you put both 32-bit and 64-bit compilers into compilers/c then ./do will produce both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries, available through lib-x86 and lib-amd64 (on Intel/AMD CPUs) or lib-armeabi and lib-aarch64 (on ARM CPUs). You should put the 64-bit compilers first so that they are used (if possible) for the command-line tools.

Version: This is version 2024.06.20 of the "NTT compiler" web page.