-rwxr-xr-x 5473 saferewrite-20210904/src/decode_761x4591/portable/decodegen.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
Mlen = 761
if len(sys.argv) > 1: Mlen = int(sys.argv[1])
m0 = 4591
if len(sys.argv) > 2: m0 = int(sys.argv[2])
m1 = m0
if len(sys.argv) > 3: m1 = int(sys.argv[3])
# M is Mlen-1 copies of m0, plus 1 copy of m1
offset = m0//2
if len(sys.argv) > 4: offset = int(sys.argv[4])
div3 = False
if len(sys.argv) > 5: div3 = sys.argv[5]=='True'
todo = 'R0'
top = 16384
print('/* auto-generated; do not edit */')
print('#include "crypto_decode.h"')
print('#include "crypto_int16.h"')
print('#include "crypto_uint16.h"')
print('#include "crypto_uint32.h"')
print('#include "crypto_uint64.h"')
print('#define int16 crypto_int16')
print('#define uint16 crypto_uint16')
print('#define uint32 crypto_uint32')
print('#define uint64 crypto_uint64')
CPU division instruction typically takes time depending on x.
This software is designed to take time independent of x.
Time still varies depending on m; user must ensure that m is constant.
Time also varies on CPUs where multiplication is variable-time.
There could be more CPU issues.
There could also be compiler issues.
static void uint32_divmod_uint14(uint32 *q,uint16 *r,uint32 x,uint16 m)
uint32 v = 0x80000000;
uint32 qpart;
uint32 mask;
v /= m;
/* caller guarantees m > 0 */
/* caller guarantees m < 16384 */
/* vm <= 2^31 <= vm+m-1 */
/* xvm <= 2^31 x <= xvm+x(m-1) */
*q = 0;
qpart = (x*(uint64)v)>>31;
/* 2^31 qpart <= xv <= 2^31 qpart + 2^31-1 */
/* 2^31 qpart m <= xvm <= 2^31 qpart m + (2^31-1)m */
/* 2^31 qpart m <= 2^31 x <= 2^31 qpart m + (2^31-1)m + x(m-1) */
/* 0 <= 2^31 newx <= (2^31-1)m + x(m-1) */
/* 0 <= newx <= (1-1/2^31)m + x(m-1)/2^31 */
/* 0 <= newx <= (1-1/2^31)(2^14-1) + (2^32-1)((2^14-1)-1)/2^31 */
x -= qpart*m; *q += qpart;
/* x <= 49146 */
qpart = (x*(uint64)v)>>31;
/* 0 <= newx <= (1-1/2^31)m + x(m-1)/2^31 */
/* 0 <= newx <= m + 49146(2^14-1)/2^31 */
/* 0 <= newx <= m + 0.4 */
/* 0 <= newx <= m */
x -= qpart*m; *q += qpart;
/* x <= m */
x -= m; *q += 1;
mask = -(x>>31);
x += mask&(uint32)m; *q += mask;
/* x < m */
*r = x;
static uint16 uint32_mod_uint14(uint32 x,uint16 m)
uint32 q;
uint16 r;
return r;
print('void crypto_decode(void *v,const unsigned char *s)')
print(' int16 *%s = v;' % todo)
tmparrays = None
layer = 1
x = Mlen
while x > 1:
x = (x+1)//2
if tmparrays == None:
tmparrays = 'uint16 '
tmparrays += ','
tmparrays += 'R%d[%d]' % (layer,x)
layer += 1
if tmparrays:
print(' %s;' % tmparrays)
print(' long long i;')
print(' uint16 r0;')
print(' uint32 r1,r2;')
def poke(todo,pos,contents):
if todo == 'R0' and div3:
return '%s[%s] = 3*%s%+d;' % (todo,pos,contents,-offset)
if todo == 'R0' and offset != 0:
return '%s[%s] = %s%+d;' % (todo,pos,contents,-offset)
return '%s[%s] = %s;' % (todo,pos,contents)
stanzas = []
def stanzaloop(looplen,reading,todo,m0,bytes):
stanza = ''
if looplen == 1:
stanza += ' r2 = %s[0];\n' % reading
for j in range(bytes):
stanza += ' r2 = (r2<<8)|*--s;\n';
stanza += ' uint32_divmod_uint14(&r1,&r0,r2,%d);\n' % m0
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,'0','r0')
stanza += ' r1 = uint32_mod_uint14(r1,%d); /* needed only for invalid inputs */\n' % m0
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,'1','r1')
if looplen > 1:
stanza += ' for (i = %d;i >= 0;--i) {\n' % (looplen-1)
stanza += ' r2 = %s[i];\n' % reading
for j in range(bytes):
stanza += ' r2 = (r2<<8)|*--s;\n';
stanza += ' uint32_divmod_uint14(&r1,&r0,r2,%d);\n' % m0
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,'2*i','r0')
stanza += ' r1 = uint32_mod_uint14(r1,%d); /* needed only for invalid inputs */\n' % m0
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,'2*i+1','r1')
stanza += ' }\n'
return stanza
layer = 1
reading = 'R%d' % layer
while Mlen > 1:
n0 = m0*m0
bytes0 = 0
while n0 >= top:
bytes0 += 1
n0 = (n0+255)>>8
if Mlen&1:
looplen = Mlen//2
r0 = '%s[%s]' % (reading,looplen)
stanza = ' %s\n' % poke(todo,2*looplen,r0)
stanza += stanzaloop(looplen,reading,todo,m0,bytes0)
n1 = m1
stanzas += [stanza]
n1 = m0*m1
bytes1 = 0
while n1 >= top:
bytes1 += 1
n1 = (n1+255)>>8
if m1 == m0:
looplen = (Mlen+1)//2
stanza = stanzaloop(looplen,reading,todo,m0,bytes0)
looplen = (Mlen-1)//2
stanza = ''
stanza += ' r2 = %s[%s];\n' % (reading,looplen)
for j in range(bytes1):
stanza += ' r2 = (r2<<8)|*--s;\n';
stanza += ' uint32_divmod_uint14(&r1,&r0,r2,%d);\n' % m0
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,2*looplen,'r0')
stanza += ' r1 = uint32_mod_uint14(r1,%d); /* needed only for invalid inputs */\n' % m1
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,2*looplen+1,'r1')
stanza += stanzaloop(looplen,reading,todo,m0,bytes0)
stanzas += [stanza]
m0,m1,Mlen = n0,n1,(Mlen+1)//2
layer += 1
todo = reading
reading = 'R%d' % layer
stanza = ''
stanza += ' s += crypto_decode_STRBYTES;\n'
stanza += ' r1 = 0;\n'
m1save = m1
while m1 > 1:
stanza += ' r1 = (r1<<8)|*--s;\n';
m1 = (m1+255)>>8
stanza += ' r1 = uint32_mod_uint14(r1,%d); /* needed only for invalid inputs */\n' % m1save
stanza += ' %s\n' % poke(todo,0,'r1')
stanzas += [stanza]
for stanza in reversed(stanzas):
print(' ')